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Lim Mu Hue was born in Singapore on 25 March 1936, and passed away on 26 Febbruary 2008.

Art Education and Experience
1955 - Graduated from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts with a Diploma in Western Painting, Singapore
1960-69 Art Teacher, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore
1965 - Part-time Chinese art teacher, Adult Education Board, Singapore
1967 - Secretary and Member of Selection Committee, Singapore Art Society
1969 - Art Festival- Advisory Committee
1969-75 Editor of art supplement, Nanyang Siang Pau, Singapore
1970-80 Honorary Consultant, Lee Kong Chian Art Museum, Nanyang University, Singapore
1977-81 Honorary Executive Committee Member, Singapore Commercial Art Society
1981 - Honorary Executive Committee Member, Eastern Antique & Printing Appreciation Society
2001 - Senior researcher, Xu Bei Hong Memorial Hall, Nanjing, People’s Republic of China
2002 - Visiting professor, Inner Mongolian Eastern Cultural Museum, People’s Republic of China

Selected Solo Exhibitions
1970 - Lim Mu Hue: Exhibition of Paintings, The Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Singapore
1973 - Landscape Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
1974 - Third one-man show, Capitol Gallery, Singapore
1977 - Fourth one-man show, Waldon Gallery, Singapore
1982 - Fifth one-man show, Chong’s Gallery, Singapore
1990 - Sixth one-man show, Teochew Association, Singapore
1992 - Seventh one-man show, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2005 - Woodcut Prints Show, Hainan Clan Association, Singapore
2014 - Lim Mu Hue: an inventive life, Lim Hak Tai Gallery, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore

Selected Group Exhibitions
1956 - Ten Years of Art in Singapore: 1946 – 1956, Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore
1957 - First Asian Youth Artist Exhibition, Japan
1960 - Exhibition of Works by Local Artists in Celebration of First Anniversary of Self-Governance, Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore
1960 - Five Young Artists Exhibition, The Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Singapore
1960 - National Day Local Art Exhibition, Equator Art Society
1962 - 1962 Malaysia Art Exhibition, Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore
1966 - Woodcuts: Six-men show, National Library, Singapore
1966 - Woodcuts Exhibition, Pa Chui Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
1967 - Singapore – Its Life and People, Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore
1968 - Singapore Festival 1968, Gay World, Singapore
1968 - 5 Artists Exhibition, Artistes Coffee House, Singapore
1969 - Art 150: A Grand Art Exhibition to Commemorate the 150th Anniversary of Singapore, Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore
1973 - Contemporary Prints by Chinese Artists, City Museum & Art Gallery, Hong Kong
1974 - Asia Oggi, Rassegna di Grafica Contemporanea (Contemporary Graphic Art from Asia), Comune di Milano (Milan), Italy
1976 - Drawings and Sketches, National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore
1976 - National Museum Art Gallery Official Opening 21 Aug 76, Singapore
1979 - Pameran Retrospektif Pelukis-Pelukis Nanyang (Retrospective of Nanyang Artists), Muzium Seni Negara (National Art Gallery), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
1979 - National Museum Art Gallery Anniversary Exhibition Art 76, Singapore
1982 - Proof Contemporary Print Making Association Singapore, The Atrium Gallery
1996 - A Century of Art in Singapore, Singapore Art Museum, Singapore
1997 - The Birth of Modern Art in South East Asia, Fukuoka Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan
1997 - Group Exhibition, Yu Nian Association, Singapore
1998 - History through Prints: Woodblock Prints in Singapore, Singapore History Museum, Singapore
2002 - Singapore in Prints: 1950s to 1960s, NUS Museum, Singapore
2002-2003 - Nanyang 1950 – 1965: Passage to Singaporean Art, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan
2002 - The Four Masters’ Art Collection I - 50th year of Friendship in Art Circle, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2004 - The Four Masters’ Art Collection II, Taipei, Taiwan
2005 - Art Symposium, Zhangzhou, China
2005 - Joint Art Exhibition with eldest daughter Chwen Lim, California, United States of America
2006 - Imprints of the Past: Remembering the 1966 Woodcut Exhibition, National Library, Singapore
2006 - Woodcut Exhibition, Alpha Gallery, Penang, Malaysia
2007 - Artwork was selected for main stage show, National Day Parade, Singapore

1959 - 1st Prize, Malayan Way of Life Art Competition, Muzium Seni Negara (National Art Gallery), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Mural Commission
2006 - Let the Show Begin…, Installation at the Esplanade MRT Station, Land Transport Authority, Singapore

Art Demonstration
2002 - Making Woodblock Prints: A Demonstration by Lim Mu Hue and Foo Kwee Horng, NUS Museum, Singapore

Art Demonstrations (Art Diplomacy Program by the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board)
1981 - Batik demonstration, Manila, Philippines
1982 - Chinese Finger Painting, , Dublin, Northern Ireland
1983 - Batik demonstration, United Kingdom
1983 - Chinese Finger Painting, Denmark
2004 - Woodblock demonstration, Lee Kong Chian Art Museum, Singapore



1955 - 毕业于新加坡南洋美术专科学校;获颁西洋美术文凭
1960-69 - 任南洋美专美术讲师
1965 - 任新加坡成人教育局兼职中国彩墨画讲师
1967 - 任新加坡艺术协会中文秘书兼评审团委员
1969 - 任艺术节咨询委员会
1969-75 - 任新加坡南洋商报艺术版编辑
1970-80 - 任新加坡南洋大学李光前文物馆名誉顾问
1977-81 - 任新加坡广告美术协会名誉理事
1981 - 任东方文物与版画鉴赏学会名誉理事
2001 - 任中华人民共和国南京徐悲鸿纪念馆高级研究员
2002 - 任中华人民共和国内蒙古东方文化馆客座教授

1970 - 于新加坡中华总商会举办“林木化首次个人作品展”
1973 - 于马来西亚吉隆坡举办“庭园展”
1974 - 于新加坡首都画廊举办“第三次个人作品展”
1977 - 于新加坡华尔顿画廊举办“第四次个人作品展”
1982 - 于新加坡钟氏画廊举办“第五次个人作品展”
1990 - 于新加坡潮州会馆举办“第六次个人作品展”
1992 - 于马来西亚吉隆坡举办“第七次个人作品展”
2005 - 于新加坡海南会馆举办“黑白分明”版画展
2014 - 于新加坡南洋艺术学院林学大展览厅举办“走出创意:林木化”特展

1956 - 参加于新加坡维多利亚纪念堂举办的“1946 – 1956:十年间的新加坡艺术”
1957 - 参加日本“首届亚洲青年美术家联展”
1960 - 参加于新加坡维多利亚纪念堂举办的“庆祝本邦自治一周年:本地画家作品展”
1960 - 参加于新加坡中华总商会举办的五位青年艺术家“五人画展”
1960 - 参加赤道艺术研究会举办的“国庆节本地美展”
1962 - 参加于新加坡维多利亚纪念堂举办的“1962年马来西亚艺术展”
1966 - 参加于新加坡国家图书馆举办的“六人木刻版画展”
1966 - 参加于马来西亚吉隆坡拔萃画廊举办的“木刻版画展”
1967 - 参加于新加坡维多利亚纪念堂举办的“新加坡的生活和人民”展览
1968 - 参加于新加坡繁华世界游艺场举办“1968年新加坡节”展览
1968 - 参加于新加坡艺术家咖啡座举办的“五人联展”
1969 - 参加于新加坡维多利亚纪念堂举办的“艺术150:纪念新加坡开埠150周年绘画大展”
1973 - 参加香港博物美术馆举办的“华人画家现代版画展”
1974 - 参加意大利米兰的“当代亚洲平面艺术展”
1976 - 参加新加坡国家博物院画廊举办的“素描与速写”画展
1976 - 参加新加坡国家博物院画廊8月21日开幕特展
1979 - 参加马来西亚吉隆坡国家博物馆举办的“南洋艺术家回顾展”
1979 - “National Museum Art Gallery Anniversary Exhibition Art 76”, Singapore参加“76新加坡国家博物院周年纪念展”
1982 - 参加于新加坡The Atrium Gallery举办的“初印稿:新加坡现代版画会作品展”
1996 - 参加于新加坡美术馆举办的“新加坡百年艺术展”
1997 - 参加日本福冈市美术馆举办的“东南亚现代艺术的诞生”展览
1997 - 参加新加坡颐年学会联展
1998 - 参加新加坡历史博物馆举办的“从版画探索历史:新加坡的木刻版画”展览
2002 - 参加于新加坡国立大学博物馆举办的“1950至1960年代的新加坡版画”展览
2002-2003 - 参加日本福冈亚洲美术馆举办的“南洋1950年-1965年:新加坡艺术巡礼”特展
2002 - 参加于马来西亚吉隆坡举办的“50年艺坛四友特展之一”
2004 - 参加于台湾台北举办的“艺坛四友特展之二”
2005 - 参加中华人民共和国漳州艺术研讨会
2005 - 与长女春联参加于美国加州举办的《粉墨登场》联展
2006 - 参加于新加坡国家图书馆举办的“历史的刻印:回顾1966年木刻版画展”
2006 - 参加马来西亚槟城阿尔法画廊举办的“木刻版画展”
2007 - 作品被选为新加坡国庆庆典大舞台设计素材

1959 - 获马来西亚吉隆坡国家博物馆举办的“马来亚生活方式”美术比赛第一奖

2006 - 受新加坡陆路交通管理局委托创作的《演出即将开始》壁画作品装置于滨海地铁站

2002 - 与胡贵宏参加木刻版画示范(新加坡国立大学博物馆)

1981 - 峇迪画示范(菲律宾马尼拉)
1982 - 中国指画示范(北爱尔兰都柏林)
1983 - 峇迪画示范(英国)
1983 - 中国指画示范(丹麦)
2004 - 木刻版画示范(新加坡李光前文物馆)

1970- 《林木化首次个人作品展》
1972 -「无字天书」-《谈天说地论人情》
1990 - 《林木化正华画集》
2005 - 《木化木刻集选》
2014 - 《走出创意:林木化》