Tanoto Foundation Centre for Southeast Asian Arts

The Tanoto Foundation has donated funds towards the set-up of a formalised system
of collection, classification, archival and digitization of the Academy's current
Southeast Asian (SEA) Arts resources. The Tanoto Foundation Centre for SEA Arts
is believed to be the first known regional centre dedicated to archiving Southeast
Asian arts resources, with the aim of facilitating research in Southeast Asian arts.
The facility, with a floor area of 35 square metres, was formerly known as the NAFA
SEA Arts Room. The collection comprises more than 10,000 items ranging from books,
brochures, posters, photographs, slides and post cards that span from 1940s to the
present. The collection features Singapore artists and the Singapore arts scene,
and covers arts-related books and other materials on Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines,
Thailand and Vietnam. Most of the materials were donated by NAFA staff, students
and alumni.
In 1938, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts was established and one of our objectives
has always been “to promote a Nanyang style of artistic presentation”. Since this
inception of NAFA, there had always been an ambition and effort on the part of the
Library to collect art resources of the region. Most of these materials were donated
by NAFA staff, students, members of its alumni and visiting artists. Specifically,
in the past 10 years, NAFA Library has been collecting and organizing information
resources on Southeast Asian Arts.
Back in the days when NAFA was located in Middle Campus, some of these print and
non-print materials pertaining to the SEA arts scene were housed in 4 book shelves
while the rest of the materials were kept in some back office rooms.
In 2004, when NAFA moved into the new facilities at Bencoolen Street, the Library
allocated a room with a floor area of 35 square metres on the 7th floor of the Library
to be the SEA Arts Centre.
This room housed print resources pertaining to SEA arts, with special emphases in
the following areas:
NAFA publications comprising of books, photographs, slides, video tapes, audio tapes
going as far back as 1946, including graduation yearbooks, course guide books, exhibition
catalogues, performance programmes;
Information files on more than 70 Malayan and Singapore artists, including their
biographies, quotations, media reports, reviews of their paintings, ephemerals like
posters and invitation cards to their exhibitions;
Publications of Malayan and Singapore arts associations, currently including yearbooks,
exhibition catalogues, performance programmes, posters, invitation cards of performing
arts groups and visual arts groups;
Publications from Southeast Asia countries.
The room currently contains more than 10,000 items (books brochures, posters, photographs,
slides, post cards) dating back to 1946.
In April 2007, our benefactor, Tanoto Foundation donated generously towards the
establishment of these 2 facilities in NAFA Library:
1) |
Tanoto Foundation Centre of South East Asian Arts (renaming the 35 square metre
room currently housing more than 10,000 items of SEA information resources),
2) |
Tanoto Centre of South East asian Arts @ NAFA, in short, TCSEA@NAFA (an online bilingual website
to house a database of digitized SEA information resources).
1) |
Collection Development
NAFA Library will continue to enhance its current collection of SEA Arts resources
by soliciting information resources (print and non-print), for e.g. exhibition catalogues,
music scores, posters, leaflets, invitation cards, publications, sound recordings,
video recording, slides, etc. from Arts associations / artists / artistes / designers
in the region.
NAFA Library intends to offer special individual / corporate membership privileges
to selected artists, artistes, designers and arts associations in exchange for donation
of their print and non-print resources, including permission to digitize the full
texts of these information resources.
2) |
Online Access
In addition to these physical resources, NAFA Library has set up a digital database
via the Internet, to provide borderless access to the world at large via a website
to be named as TCSEA@NAFA (Tanoto Centre for South East asian Arts @ Nanyang Academy
of Fine Arts).
TCSEA@NAFA is an online bilingual arts database on Southeast Asian arts, with the
Access to the physical centre is limited to only NAFA staff, students and privileged
members. Researchers and/or members of the public who are keen to use the room need
to make appointments with the Library. Examples of such past users include candidates
completing PhD and MA degrees from Malaysia and the USA, art curators from local
art museums, etc.