Tanoto Foundation Centre for Southeast Asian Arts at NAFA

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Tan Kee Sek was born in Singapore in 1951.

1968-1970 - Full-time Diploma course in Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts
1968 - Learned Chinese brush painting with Mr. See Hiang To & Mr. Chen Chong Swee

1969 - Member of the Society of Chinese Artists
1971 - Founder member and Vice-president of Siaw-Tao Chinese Seal-Carving,Calligraphy and Painting Society
1975 - Member of NAFA Alumni Association
1981 - Invited by Singapore Tourism Promotion Board to Bombay, India for Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Demonstration
1982-1990 - Part-time lecturer in Chinese paintings with NAFA
1984 - Invited to be Permannent Honorary committee in Korea Seal Carving Association
1988-1989 - Judge for Singapore Art Fair Exhibition
1989 - Judge for Teacher's Art Exhibition
1994-1997 - Part-time Lecturer for Advance Chinese Paintings Course in NAFA

Solo Exhibitions
1994 - 1st solo art exhibition, Empress Place Museum Art Gallery, Singapore
2003 - "Carefree Wandering" the Scenery Paintings Exhibition by Tan Kee Sek at The Drawing Gallery, Singapore

Group Art Exhibitions
1969 - "Grand Art Exhibition to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of Singapore
1970-1987 - National Day Art Exhibition, Singapore
1972 - Asean Art Exhibition
1973 - Three Men Art Exhibition, National Library Building, Singapore
1974 - Two Men Art Exhibition, Rising Art Gallery, Singapore
1977 - Two Men Chinese Painting Exhibition, Grace Art Gallery, Singapore
1977 - Two Men Chinese Painting Exhibition, Raya Art Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
1978 - Young Artists Singapore & Hong Kong Art Exhibition, Pao Saileong Galleries, Hong Kong
1979 - Local Artists Art Exhibitiona at National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore
1979 - Singapore Artists Research on Art Tour in Hong Kong and China
1980 - "Art in Action" Demonstration and Exhibition of Chinese Seal-Carving, Singapore
1980 - Four Singaporean Artistic Art Exhibition at Alpha Gallery, Singapore
1981 - 1st Anniversary International Calligraphy Art Exhibition in Hong Kong
1982 - Two Men Chinese Painting Exhibition, Gallery Hyatt hotel, Singapore
1982 - Three Men Art Exhibition at Sentosa Art Centre, Singapore
1983 - Fine Art Joint Exhibition organised by Chinese Culture University Fine Arts Department, NAFA & Malaysia Institute of Arts
1984 - Two Men Chinese Painting Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
1984 - Three Men Art Exhibition at Sentosa Art Centre, Singapore
1984 - 1st International Seal Carving Exhibition, Korea
1985 - ASPACAE Nanyang (Tropical) Art Exhibition
1987 - National Museum Centenary Art Exhibition, National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore
1988 - 2nd International Seal Carving Exhibition, Korea
1988 - NAFA Lecturers Art Exhibition 88
1989 - "The World of Lotus" Chinese Painting Exhibition at National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore
1990 - "Traditional.Creative" Six Men Chinese Painting Exhibition
1990 - Three Men Art Exhibition at Art Gallery 3, Singapore
1990 - Singapore Artists Speak Art Exhibition, National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore
1990 - 20th art exhibition by Siaw-Tao Chinese Seal-Carving, Calligraphy and Painting Society
1991 - Four Men Chinese Painting Exhibition at Gallery Universe, Singapore
1991 - Eight Artists' Exhibition at The Art Square, Singapore
1992 - Invited by Nanyang Art Association as speaker for "Art Lecture Series 1992" at National Museum Theatrette, Singapore
1992 - 3rd International Seal Carving Exhibition, Korea
1993 - Journey of Ink Art Exhibition, National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore
1993 - Siaw-Tao Annual Exhibition, Shanghai and Hangzhou, China
1993 - Xin Ling Art Exhibition Hall in Hangzhou, China
1993 - 90th Anniversary Art Exhibition of the Xi-Ling Seal Carving Society in Zhejiang, China
1994 - Huangshan Scenery Art Exhibition in Hefei, China
1995 - 3rd Anniversary Seal-Carving Exhibition at Xi-Ling Seal-Carving Society in Zhejiang, China
1995 - Siaw-Tao Annual Exhibition, Swatow, China
1996 - One of the invited speakers for "Art and You" organised by SAM
1996 - NAFA Alumni Association and Federation of Art Society (Singapore)
1996 - NAFA Advanced Chinese Painting Lecturers Art Exhibition at Takashimaya
1997 - Intercultural Art Exhibition of Calligraphy and Painting, Taiwan
1997 - NAFA Advanced Chinese Painting Course, Lecturers and Students Painting Exhibition at Hangzhou Art Centre in Hangzhou, China
1997 - Singapore Art 97
1997 - Lecture and demonstration on special topic "Chinese Painting Art Appreciation"
1997 - Invited by Da-Dao Calligraphy and Painting Institute, Taiwan
1998 - Xi-Ling 95th Anniversary Seal-Carving, Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition in Hangzhou, China
1998 - Current Straits Art Exhibition in Singapore & Malaysia
1998 - President's Charity Art Exhibition, Singapore
1999 - Xi-An, China International Calligraphy and Seal Carving Exhibition
1999 - Art Lecture and Demostration at Braddell Heights community Club
1999 - Nokia, Singapore Art 99
2000 - As "Overseas Artist by Special Invitation" in Xiling Art Centre at Zhejiang, China
2000 - Millennium Seal Craving Exhibition in Xi-An, China
2000 - "The Year of the Dragon 2000" Singapore . New York Ten Artists Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition
2001 - New Centenary International Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, Taiwan
2002 - 2nd International Bokuga Association Chinese Painting Exhibition, Tokyo & Kyoto, Japan
2002 - Singapore . China Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition
2002 - 3rd Anniversary Asia Intercultural Calligraphy Exhibition in Beijing
2002 - 3rd Anniversary International Seal-Carving and Calligraphy Exhibition in Zhejiang, China
2003 - 3rd International Bokuga Association Chinese Painting Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan
2003 - "Lotus Lovers" Five Artist Lotus Paintings Exhibition at Min Heart Art Gallery
2003 - "Soaring Hights" Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition cum Demonstration by 11 renowned local artists at Paragon level 5 Concourse and The Drawing Gallery
2005 - The Year of the Rooster, Xuanhua Art Gallery, Singapore

1975 - Special Award, National Day Art Exhibition, Singapore
1982 - Special Award, National Day Art Exhibition, Singapore
1982 - Special Award, NAFA Alumni Association Art Exhibition, Singapore
1984 - Special Award, NAFA Alumni Association Art Exhibition, Singapore
1985 - The Society of Chinese Artists Service Award, Singapore

1994 - Published "The Arts of Tan Kee Sek"



1970 - 毕业于新加坡南洋美术专科学校

1971 - 发起成立“啸涛篆刻书画会”,并任副会长
1988-1989 - 国庆展卖会东方画组评选委员
1989 - 新加坡教师美展东方组评选委员
1982-1990 - 担任南洋艺术学院彩墨画讲师
1994-1997 - 担任南艺业余高级彩墨画班全职讲师
1995 - 担任新加坡“95艺术”展东方画组评审委员
1998 - 担任新加坡艺术协会主办美展东方画组暨“陈之初美术奖”评审委员
2000 - 受聘于中国西冷书画院海外特邀画师
2001 - 受邀担任狮城书法篆刻会名誉理事

1994 - 举行第一次个人书画篆刻展于新加坡文物馆

1969 - 参加新加坡开埠150周年纪念美展
1970 - 参加国庆美展,并历届参与至1987年
1972 - 亚西安画展
1973 - “三人联展”于新加坡国家图书馆
1974 - “二人联展”于新加坡立新画廊
1975 - 加入南洋美专校友会,并参与历届艺术活动
1977 - “二人联展”于新加坡佳画廊
1978 - “新港青年画家联展”于香港
1978 - “当地名家美展”于新教破国家博物院画廊
1980 - 受国家博物院之邀,举行个人篆刻示范及展览
1980 - “四新加坡画家联展”于新加坡亚化画廊
1981 - 首届国际书法联展于香港
1981 - 星洲日报主办之“百花齐放,新春美展”
1982 - “二人联展”于新加坡凯悦酒店画廊
1983 - 参加“三校联合美展”
1984 - 参加第一届汉城国际篆刻艺术大展
1984 - “二人联展”于吉隆坡丹青画廊
1984 - 三人联展于圣陶沙艺术中心
1985 - 南洋美术专科学院主办之“南洋风”画展
1987 - 国家博物院一百周年美展
1988 - 参加第二届汉城国际篆刻艺术大展
1989 - “荷花世界”彩墨画展于新加坡国家博物院画廊
1990 - “传统,创新”六人彩墨画展于中华总商会展览厅
1990 - “三人画展”于唐城坊三画廊
1990 - “画家自诉”美展于新加坡国家博物院画廊
1991 - “四人彩墨画展”于新加坡玉华堂
1991 - “八艺术家”作品义展于新加坡艺术坊
1992 - 参加第三届汉城国际篆刻艺术大展
1993 - 参加国家博物院举行之“墨涛-看新加坡水墨画发展”
1993 - “西冷印社成立90周年国际书画篆刻展”
1994 - “黄山风情”画展于安徽合肥
1994 - 亚洲水墨画家作品邀请展
1996 - 南洋艺术学院高级水墨画班倒是作品展于义安城画廊
1997 - “南艺高级水墨画班师生画展”于杭州画院
1997 - 新加坡美展
1999 - 受邀参加“99中国西安国际书法篆刻交流展”
2000 - 受邀参加中国“新千年当代篆刻邀请展”
2000 - 千禧龙年新加坡,纽约十家书画联展
2001 - 受邀参加台湾中华书画艺术研究会举办之“新世纪国际名家书画展”
2002 - 参加日本第二回国际墨画会水墨画艺术展于东京及京都
2002 - 新加坡,中国书画艺术展
2002 - 第三届亚洲书法交流大展于北京
2003 - 受邀参加国际海峡两岸著名书画家精品博览经典
2003 - 参加日本第三回国际墨画会水墨画艺术展于东京
2003 - 参加“上海,海内外书画首届联展”
2003 - “力争上游”十一人彩墨画新作展于新加坡百利宫五楼大厅
2003 - “爱莲说”五人莲花展于新加坡明心艺画廊
2003 - “逍遥游”曾纪策山光水色展于新加坡四宝斋(The Drawing Gallery)

1994 - 出版《曾纪策书画篆刻集》

1975 - 获得首届国庆美展优秀奖
1982 - 获得南洋美专校友创作展优秀奖
1982 - 获得新加坡国庆展优异奖
1984 - 获得南洋美专校友会主办之八十年代创作优秀奖
1985 - 获得中华美术研究会服务奖章
1995 - 篆刻作品入选西冷印社第三届篆刻作品展,并获得篆刻短文奖