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Lee Boon Wang was born in 1935 in China.

Art Eduction
1953 - Graduated from the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts.

1955 - Lecturer of Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts for 2 years.
1962 - Designer at Advertising Agency, S. H. Benson till 1970.
1971 - Art Director at Leo Burnett Ptd Ltd till 1973.
1982-1997 - President of Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Alumni.
- Singapore Art Society Dr. Tan Tsze Chor Western Art Judge.
2003 - Present Vice-President of Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Alumni Water-Colour Society Member

Solo Exhibition
1981 - The First Solo Art Exhibition, Chinese Chamber of Commerce.
1986 - The Second Solo Art Exhibition at Orchard Gallery.
1992 - The Third Solo Art Exhibition, National Museum Art Gallery.
1993 - The Fourth Solo Art Exhibition, Empress Place Museum Gallery.
1994 - The Fifth Solo Art Exhibition at Changi Sailing Club, “Marine Series” Oil Paintings.
2000 - The Sixth Solo Art Exhibition at National Museum Shop, National Heritage Board.
2003 - The Seventh Solo Art Exhibition at Ngee Ann Cultural Centre.

Group Exhibition
1971 - Eight Man Art Exhibition, Liat Tower, Singapore.
1974 - Two Man Art Exhibition, Rising Art Gallery.
1978 - The Singapore Artist Art Exhibition, Moscow.
1987 - Commissioned for a series of six paintings tracing the life of Mr. C. K. Tang and used as calendar for the year.
1989 - The New York Art Exhibition, U. S. A.
1989 - The First Bru-Sin Art Exhibition, Brunei.
1989 - Twelve paintings of His Royal Highness, The Sultan of Brunei and his immediate family.
1989 - Portrait of Sonia Lee, Wife of The Ambassador of Singapore to Brunei.
1989 - Portrait of Dato Seri Paduka Haji Hwang Hussein, Minister of Culture, Brunei.
1989 - Commissioned by the Singapore Turf Club for a series of twelve paintings of horses.
1990 - Six paintings of Asean scenery for Mr. C. K. Tang and used for calendar.
1992 - Eight Portraits of The Late Mr. Sintong Bingei, Indonesia.
1992 - A painting “Singapore River” selected for stamp design by Telecom.
1992 - Three-Man Art Exhibition, Notices Gallery.
1992 - An oil painting of mural at Shaw Centre for Shaw Organization.
1993 - An Exhibition of Paintings by 6 Outstanding Realistic Artists at Ngee Ann City Exhibition Hall.
1995 - The President Water Colour Selections.
1998 - Mural for Merck. Sharp & Dohme International.
1999 - Mural for J. T. C. Town-Hall New Building at Jurong.

1980 - Awarded “The Singapore Creative Art Award” organized by Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Alumni Association.
1982 - Awarded “The Singapore Distinctive Art Award”.



1953 - 毕业于新加坡南洋美术专科学校

1955 - 任职母校为助教两年
1962 - 加入当时S. H. Benson 广告工司至1970年
1971 - 加入当时Leo Burnett 广告工司为美术指导至1973年
1982-1997 - 南洋美专校友会会长

1981 - 假中华总商会举行首届个人美展
1986 - 假毫珍画廊举行第二届个人美展
1992 - 假国家博物院画廊举行第三届个人美展
1993 - 举行第四届个人美展于新加坡文物馆
1994 - 第五次个展于新加坡樟宜帆船俱乐部举行(海洋系列风景画展)
2000 - 举行第六次个人油画展于我国博物院之艺术晶品店
2003 - 举行第七次个人油画展于义安公司文化中心

1971 - 参加八人美展
1971 - 举行二人美展于当时的立新画廊
1978 - 作品获选新加坡画家于莫斯科展出
1987 - 为诗家董有限公司制作六副油画创作以董先生为主题之历史画,同时被精印成月历
1989 - 参加纽约美术展卖会
1989 - 为汶莱波基亚苏丹绘制一系列十二副皇族之家庭肖像
1989 - 为新加坡驻汶莱领事,Mr. Edward Lee 之太太Sonia Lee 绘制肖像
1989 - 为汶莱教育与青年部长Dato Seri Paduka Haji Awang Hussain 绘制肖像
1989 - 为新加坡赛马公会绘制十二副以马为主提之油画以印成当年之月历
1990 - 再为诗家董有限公司制作六副亚细安之风景油画,精印成月历
1992 - 为苏门答腊仙达市之故华侨巨富Mr. Sintong Bingei 制作八副肖像创作
1992 - 油画“新加坡河”被选用位为二元油票之图案设计
1992 - 三人美展于Notices 画廊
1992 - 为邵氏机构制作大型之油画创作,做为该大厦之壁画设计,陈列于该大厦
1993 - 参加高岛屋主办之“新加坡写实派画展”展出于义安大厦
1995 - 参加新加坡水彩画会举办已故王鼎昌总统“水彩精选”展
1998 - 为新加坡墨沙东制药厂制作大型壁画

1980 - 荣获南洋美专校友会‘新加坡创作奖’
1982 - 荣获新加坡美术优秀奖