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Poon Lian was born in Singapore, 1947.

1966 - Graduated from The Chinese High School, High School Certificate (Arts), Singapore
1967-1970 - Studied Chinese ink painting under Dr Chen Wen Hsi's tutelage, Singapore
1969 - Graduated from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA), Western Painting, Singapore

Currently full-time artist
1971-1975 - Art coordinator, Nanyang Siang Pau, Singapore
1972-1981 - Lecturer, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore
1973-1992 - Engaged in visual arts related careers - designing, printing and colour separation
1993-2003 - Packaging and decoration investments in Hebei, China

1993-2008 - Director, Nanyang Fine Arts Foundation Ltd and Member, NAFA Council, Singapore
1994- - Member, Executive & Management Committee, The Society of Chinese Artists, Singapore
2002-2005 - President, The Society of Chinese Artists, Singapore
2005-2008 - Assistant Treasurer, Club NAFA, Singapore
2006-2010 - Supervisor, The Society of Chinese Artists, Singapore
2009- - Secretary, Club NAFA, Singapore
2010 - Asst. Supervisor, The Society of Chinese Artists, Singapore

Solo Exhibitions
2007 - "Artistic Odyssey", NAFA Gallery 3, Singapore
2010 - "Rebel in Arcadia", NAFA, Lim Hak Tai Gallery, Singapore

Group Exhibitions
1984- - Frequent participation in the Teochew Artists Art Exhibitions
1990- - The Society of Chinese Artists annual art exhibitions, anniversary commemoration art exhibitions and thematic art exhibitions
1990- - Frequent participation in Singapore Art Society, Federation of Art Societies (Singapore), NAFA Alumni Association and The Chinese High School art exhibitions
1995 - "Yunnan Tour", NAFA Gallery, Singapore
2001 - "Local Still-life Works", NAFA Gallery, Singapore
2002 - "Abstract '02", NAFA Gallery, Singapore
2002 - The Calligraphy and Painting of China, Ngee Ann Cultural Centre, Singapore
2002 - "Evolution - Ink and Colour", The Substation, Singapore
2002 - 2nd Malaysia-Singapore Ink Painting Exhibition 2002
2003 - "President's Challenge Charity Art Exhibition", Singapore
2005 - "Soaring to New Frontiers", NAFA Gallery, Singapore
2007 - "Nanyang Dialogue", MICA Building, Singapore
2008 - "NAFA 70 Years After", NAFA Galleries 1 & 2, Singapore
2008 - "Asia in Focus", MH Art Galleries, Taipei
2009 - "Landmarks, Taipei", Black Earth Art Museum, Singapore
2009 - "Hwa Chong 90th Anniversary Art Exhibition", Hwa Chong Institution
2010 - "Many Minds One Destiny", NAFA Galleries 1 & 2, Singapore
2010 - "Still Life in Focus", MICA Building, Singapore

Works collected by private collectors and organizations in Singapore and overseas

2007 - Artistic Odyssey: Poon Lian's Oil & Ink Painting
2010 - Rebel in Arcadia: Recent Paintings by Poon Lian

1998 - Ink painting "Prayer" selected for the first "World Chinese Calligraphy and Art Exhibition" in Beijing, China
2001 - Ink painting "Euphony" awarded First Prize for the Dr Tan Tsze Chor Art Award, Singapore
2006 - Ink painting "Rhythm of the Fishing Village" awarded Merit Prize for the "National Teochew Artists Chinese Brush Painting Competition 2006", Singapore



1966年 - 毕业于新加坡华侨中学大学先修班(文科)
1967-1970 - 受教于陈文希学习水墨画
1969年 - 毕业于新加坡南洋美专(南洋艺术学院前生)西洋画系

1971-1975 - 任职于《南洋商报》
1972-1981 - 担任南洋美专西洋画系讲师
1973-1992 - 从事设计,印刷及分色等美术专业
1993-2003 - 在中国河北从事包装装潢行业

1993-2008 - 任南艺基金董事及南艺理事会理事
1994年- - 任中华美术研究会理事
2002-2005 - 任中华美术研究会会长
2005-2008 - 任南艺联谊会副财政
2006-2010 - 任中华美术研究会监察主席
2009年- - 任南艺联谊会秘书 
2010年 - 任中华美术研究会监察委员 

2007年 - “意象追踪”,新加坡南艺画廊
2010年 - “艺境出走”,新加坡南艺画廊

1984年- - 多次参加新加坡潮人书画展
1990年- - 常年参加历届中华美术研究会常年美展及周年纪念美展
1990年- - 多次参加新加坡艺术协会、美术总会、南洋美专校友会及华中等团体机构的美展活动
1995年 - 中华美术研究会专题美展“云南风情画展”,新加坡南艺画廊
2001年 - 中华美术研究会专题美展“本土静物作品展”,新加坡南艺画廊
2002年 - 中华美术研究会专题美展“抽象02” 画展,新加坡南艺画廊
2002年 - “丹青中国”新加坡、中国书画艺术展, 新加坡义安文化中心
2002年 - “情韵创意”画展,新加坡电力站
2003年 - 中华美术研究会专题美展“南洋风作品”,新加坡新闻与艺术部大厦雅殿
2003年 - “总统挑战慈善义展”,新加坡
2005年 - “腾飞美展”,新加坡南艺画廊
2007年 - 中华美术研究会专题美展“与南洋对话”,新加坡新闻与艺术部大厦雅殿
2008年 - 南艺70周年美展,新加坡南艺画廊
2008年 - “亚洲聚情”,台北美和画廊 
2009年 - “台北归来“, 新加坡黑土地美术馆
2009年 - “华中90美展“,新加坡华侨中学
2010年 - “一门两地四十年”,新加坡南艺画廊
2010年 - 中华美术研究会专题美展“静物聚焦”,新加坡新闻与艺术部大厦雅殿


2007年 - 《意象追踪 :方良彩墨与油画》
2010年 - 《艺境出走 : 方良彩墨与油画近作展》

奖 章
1998年 - 彩墨画《寄语奔涛》入选中国北京首届“世界华人书画展”
2001年 - 彩墨画《佳音》获新加坡陈之初博士美术奖首奖
2006年 - 彩墨画《渔乡之歌》获新加坡 “全国潮人彩墨画比赛2006” 优秀奖