Tanoto Foundation Centre for Southeast Asian Arts at NAFA

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1931 - Born in Singapore.

1951 - Studied at the Catholic High School. His talent received early encouragement from his father,Choo Kim Kye who trained him in calligraphy and art teacher, Shui Tit Sing who taught him watercolour painting. With their encouragement,he enrolled at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) where he studied under Lim Hak Tai, Koh Tong Liong and Cheong Soo Pieng.
1953 - Graduated from the Catholic High School and the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts.

1954 - Appointed and served as Principal, Sin Hua Primary School.
1955 - Sent for in-service training at Teacher's Training College.
1956 - Participated in the Black and White Art Competition and was awarded 1st & 3rd Prizes in Woodcut.
1958 - Married Nah Chong Ngiam.- Graduated from Teacher's Training College (Chinese Stream), Singapore.
1961 - First Ten Men Exhibition was held after a group of artists with similar interests returned from a successful painting tour to East Malaysia. The group was to form the nucleus of the South East Asia Art Association. For the next 10 years, group painting tours were organised to Indonesia, Bali, Cambodia, Vietnam, Sabah, Sarawak,Brunei, India, Thailand, Philippines and Hong Kong and an art exhibition held after each tour.
1965 - First one man exhibition, Asian Themes, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
1966 - His painting "Lantern Maker" was awarded First Prize in the Asia-Africa Category of the Art Around the World Competition, organised by Good Year Magazine, Orbit, 1966, Vol V.
1969 - Commissioned by the Singapore Government to paint several paintings as state gifts for presentation to foreign dignitaries.
1971 - First mural commission at Hotel Merlin. Since then, commissioned by various hotels, business organisations and public institutions to work on murals and reliefs.
1973 - Published in Who's Who in Malaysia and Singapore.
1976 - Awarded the Public Service Medal (PBM) by President B. H. Sheares for his contribution to art.
1979 - Appointed as member of the Advisory Committee
1979 - National Service Youth Awards and served in that capacity till 1989.
1979 - Participated in the fund raising exhibition, Batik Painting 1979 - organised by the Ministry of Culture at the Singapore Conference Hall.
1979 - Published in Marquis Who's Who in Chicago, U.S.A. (4th Edition).
1979 - Founding Member and President of South East Asia Art Association.
1979 - Vice Chairman, Singapore Art Society.
1979 - Appointed as Member, Visual Arts Advisory Committee, Ministry of Community Development and continues to serve in that capacity at present.
1980 - Appointed as Advisor to Life Art Society and the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts.
1984 - Transferred from the Sin Hua Primary School and seconded to NAFA as Head of Art Education Department.
1984-87 - Painting tours to China.
1985 - Appointed as Honorary President and Advisor of Hong Kong Artists Society.
1986 - Retired from civil service at the age of 55. However, continued to be employed by NAFA in the same capacity.
1989 - Four of his works on the Singapore Chinatown were selected for reproduction as postage stamps by Telecoms. The stamps are scheduled for release on 17 May.

One Man Exhibitions
1965 - Asian Themes, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
1976 - ASEAN Landscapes, Raya Gallery, Singapore.
1977 - ASEAN Scenery, Holy Names College, Oakland, U.S.A.
1982 - Wild Animals and Landscapes, Gallery Americana, California, U.S.A.

Selected Group Exhibitions
1956 - Black and White Art Competition, Singapore.
1959 - Asian Youth Artists, Japan.
1961 - Ten Men Exhibition, Singapore.
1967 - Tenth National Art Exhibition, Singapore.
1970 - Singapore Art Society Exhibition, Singapore.
1970 - New York International Art Show, New York Coliseum, U.S.A.
1972 - National Day Art Exhibition, Singapore.
1972 - Art Festival in Adelaide, Lidums Art Gallery, Australia.
1973 - ASEAN Mobile Art Exhibition, Singapore.
1973 - 1st National Bank of Chicago Exhibition, U.S.A.
1974 - South East Asia Society Exhibition, Singapore.
1976 - Art Exhibition, Cultural Center of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines.
1977 - 9th International Festival of Paintings, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, France.
1978 - Art Exhibition, Friendship House, Moscow,Russia.
1978 - Seventh Annual Festival of Arts, United World College of South East Asia, Singapore.
1978 - Singapore Festival of Arts, National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore.
1979 - Art '79, National Museum Art Gallery,Singapore.
1979 - Art Exhibition 1979, Sin Chew Jit Poh Building,Singapore.
1980 - Singapore Festival of Arts, National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore.
1981 - International Grand Prix of Contemporary Art of Monte Carlo, Monaco.
1982 - The International Art Association Inaugural Exhibition, Japan.
1983 - Batik Exhibition, National Historical Museum,Taipei.
1984 - National Art Exhibition, National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore.
1985 - Hong Kong Artist Society Joint Exhibition,Singapore.
1985 - Art Society Mobile Exhibition, Taiwan.
1986 - Expo '86 Art Exhibition, Chinese Cultural Centre,Vancouver, Canada.
1987 - National Museum Centenary Art Exhibition,National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore.
1988 - France Salon Exhibition, Grand Palais, France.
1989 - Singapore Artists for New York Expo 1989, New York, U.S.A.

1976 - The Public Service Medal (PBM) by President B. H. Sheares for contribution to Art.
1981 - Community Award, Bundaberg Art Society,Australia.
1983 - National Day Art Exhibition (Special Award).
1986 - Voluntary Service Award for contribution to Art,Singapore.
1986 - Art '85 - 50th Anniversary of Society of
1986 - Chinese Artist Award.
1986 - Long Service Medal, Singapore.

Mural Commissions
- Raffles City Hotel.
- Cockpit Hotel.
- Hotel Merlin.
- Hotel Negara.
- Singapore Broadcasting Corporation Caldecott Hill.
- Public Utilities Headquarters, Somerset Road.
- Ministry of Environment.
- Ministry of Community Development.
- Monetary Authority of Singapore.
- Jurong Bird Park.
- Bank Negara.
- Somerset Lounge, Westin Stamford.
- Ministry of Health.

Public and Private Collections
- Tanglin Club.
- Nanyang University Art Museum, Singapore. .
- National Museum, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- National Museum, Singapore.
- Straits Times.
- Central Provident Fund.
- Urban Renewal Authority.
- Ministry of Defence.
- Ministry of Environment.
- Fraser and Neave.
- National Iron.
- Stock Exchange of Singapore.
- UOB Group of Companies.
- Deutsche Bank.
- Mitsui Bank.
- Hyatt Regency International.
- OUB Group of Companies.
- Seiko Group of Companies.
- Mrs. John Gorton.
- Mrs. Jehan Sadat.
- Mrs. March Fong Eu.
- Mr. Dean Lesher.
- Mrs. Richard Eu.



1953 - 毕业于公教中学、南洋美术专科学院艺术教育系。

1954 - 任新华学校校长30年(54-84 )
1956 - 星马黑白美术比赛获得木刻组第一奖和第三奖。
1958 - 毕业于新加坡师资训练学院。

1959 - 入选亚洲青年美展,日本。
1961 - 参加十人画展,主题马来西亚东海岸渔村。
1962 - 参加十人画展,主题印尼风土人物。
1962 - 入选马来西亚画展、吉隆坡。
1963 - 参加十人画展,主题泰国和柬埔寨风光。
1965 - 入选国泰航空公司主办亚洲现代画展,吉隆坡国家画廊。
1966 - 作品刊登Good Year 杂志“ORBIT”。
1966 - 国际美术巡回展,作品“灯笼制作”获得亚洲和非洲组第一奖。
1966 - 作品刊登:Peita 杂志。
1967 - 入选第十届国庆美展。
1968 - 作品“ AMINAH ”被CaIter 油公司选作日历。
1968 - 澳洲总理MR John Gorton 访问星加坡,作品安哥窟被总理夫人珍藏。
1969 - 受政府委任画教幅风景画赠送各国外交使节。
1969 - 入选马来西亚沙龙美术比赛。
1970 - 入选新加坡艺术协会主办庆祝新加坡开埠150年美展。
1970 - 入选新加坡艺术协会庆祝20周年美展。
1970 - 入选纽约国际美展。
1971 - 作品刊登Tropic杂志。
1972 - 入选艺术协会23届常年美展。
1972 - 入选国庆美展。
1972 - 入选澳洲艺术节美展。
1973-1974 - 名字刊登在马来西亚和新加坡“名人录”。
1973- 入选国庆美展。
1973 - 作品刊登Free World Horizon杂志。
1973 - 入选亚细安无比油美展。
1973 - 入选芝加哥第一银行美展。
1974 - 参加东南亚美术协会美展。
1974 - 参加Apex俱乐部慈善美展。
1975 - 荣获新加坡电视台壁画设计第一奖。
1976 - 入选美丽的新加坡画展,星洲日报主办。
1976 - 作品刊登海峡时报日历。
1976 - 作品在马尼拉文化馆展出。
1976 - 第一次个人画展,R A Y A 画廊主办。展出主题亚细安风貌。
1976 - 作品被选刊登亚细安日历。
1977 - 荣获星加坡公共事业局大厦壁画设计第一奖。
1977 - 作品刊登台北艺术家杂志。
1977 - 作品“新加坡海港”由政府赠送埃及沙达总统珍藏。
1977 - 作品入选法国政府主办第九届国际艺术节美展。
1977 - 入选国家画廊第一周年美展。
1977 - 受海峡时报委任画6 幅作品作为78年日历。画题是消失了的行业。
1978 - 作品获选代表新加坡在莫斯科展出。
1978 - 参加第17届艺术节美展。
1978 - 入选国庆美展。
1978 - 入选78年新加坡艺术节美展,国家博物院画廊主办。
1978 - 参加乌节路露天美展。
1979 - 受委为国家青年服务奖美术组谘询委员。
1979 - 参加文化部主办之筹款美展。
1979 - 参加腊染画展,新加坡大会堂。
1979 - 名字刊登在美国芝加哥“名人录”。
1979 - 受委主持第一届亚太区生物化学会议,属下之今日美展。
1979 - 获选为东南亚美术协会主席、艺术协会副主席。
1979 - 国庆美展西画评选委员。
1979 - 获选为新加坡文化部视觉艺术谘询委员
1979 - 参加美展79, 国家画廊。
1979 - 参加星洲日报之美术展、星洲日报大厦。
1979 - 参加艺术协会30周年纪念美展,国家博院画廊。
1979 - 名字刊登在英国剑桥“名人录”。
1979 - 重新受委为国家青年服务奖美术组委员二年。
1980 - Forex 俱乐部邀请在日本花园示范腊染画,同时在文华酒店展出。
1980 - 受委为更生美术会顾问。
1980 - 受委为南洋美术专科学院顾问。
1980 - 受更生美术会邀请在南洋商报作专题演说题目为“如何欣赏美术”。
1980 - 作品“牛车水”刊登在新加坡会计师协会封面。
1980 - 邀请参加国庆美展,国家画廊。
1980 - 入选第5 届亚细安现代画展。
1980 - 入选新加坡艺术节、国家画廊。
1980 - 参加圣安德烈医院义展。
1981 - 受邀参加第15届国际展,由蒙地卡罗公主主持。
1981 - 参加“五人画展”由东南亚艺术协会和新加坡艺术协主办,在莱佛士旅店礼堂举行。
1981 - 新加坡旅游局邀请到台北,高雄示范腊染画。
1982 - 日本国际画家协会邀请参加全日本巡回展。
1982 - 新加坡旅游促进局委任为新加坡风筝节评选委员。参赛国家有日本、台北、马来西亚、新加坡。
1982 - 作品刊登在新加坡文化部出版之“新加坡画家”。
1983 - 参加南洋美专校友会画展。
1983 - 入选国庆美展,并获得优秀奖章。
1983 - 参加腊染画展,台北历史博物馆。
1984 - 受委为南洋美术专科学院艺术教育主任。
1984 - 入选国庆美展。
1984 - 参加新加坡25年美展、国家画廊主办。
1984 - 作品刊登在“中外”杂志,香港出版。
1984 - 作品刊登在“华人”杂志,香港出版。
1985 - 参加由亚太区艺术教育会议主办之南洋风格画展。
1985 - 参加中华美术研究会50周年纪念美展。
1985 - 参加亚细安六周巡回展。
1985 - 入选国庆美展。
1985 - 受邀参加香港画家联会美展。
1985 - 参加台湾巡回美展,艺术协会主办。
1985 - 受邀为香港画家联会名誉会长。
1986 - 参加温哥华博览会美展,中华文化中心。
1986 - 第二国防部长杨林丰购“和平鸽”赠台湾蒋经国总统留念。
1986 - 出版朱庆光油画集。

- 莱佛士威士汀旅店
- 国宾旅馆
- 美伦旅馆
- 尼加拉旅馆
- 新加坡电视台大厦
- 新加坡公用事业局大厦
- 公共机构和私人收藏
- 东陵俱乐部
- 南洋大学物馆
- 马来西亚国家博物院画廊
- 新加坡国家博物院画廊
- 海峡时报
- 新加坡中央公积金局
- 朝鲜文化团
- 新加坡城市发展局
- 新加坡国防部
- 新加坡环境发展部
- 澳洲总理霍登夫人
- 埃及沙达总统夫人
- 美国加洲秘书长江月桂女士

1976 - 荣获新加坡共和国总统颁赠公共服务星章(美术)。
1981 - 荣获澳洲 Bundaberg 艺术协会“Corrmunity AWARD"。
1983 - 荣获文化部主办国庆美展特别奖。
1986 - 荣获新加坡防癌协会“义务服务奖”。
1986 - 荣获新加坡政府颁发公共长期服务奖。