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Lucien Wang (Wong Maan Shing)

1909 - Born 3 February in Guangzhou, China
1914-1918 - Attended Guangzhou True Light Primary School
1919-1922 - Attended Guangzhou True Light Secondary School
1923-1925 - Studied in Canton Christian College (also known as Lingnan University), Guangzhou, majoring in Arts & Education and furthered her studies at Beijing Conservatory
1926-1927 - Taught in Beijing Jin Shi School in Western history, World Geography, Music and English as well as being a Discipline Mistress of the Girls' Department
1930-1934 - Tutelage under Mr Alfred Cortot at L'Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris
1935-1936 - Attended Trinity College of Music in London
1936 - Returned to Guangzhou due to the outbreak of Pacific War. Appointed professor at the Canton Music Conservatory and Head of Music Department at the Guangdong Provincial Girls' Normal School
1937 - Married a Peking-born electrical engineer Wang Zou Houei on 5 May in Guangzhou
1939 - Together with her husband, they left for Singapore to escape the beginnings of the Second Sino-Japanese war
1939-1941 - Taught music at Nanyang Girls' High School and the Singapore branch of Lingnan University
1942 - Husband went missing during the Sook Ching massacre in Singapore. During this period, she gave private piano lessons
1945 - Became a member of Singapore Music Teacher Association (SMTA)
1946 - Published a collection of songs titled containing 17 pieces
1947 - Her mother left Guangzhou to live with her in Singapore
1950s - Attended Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts a s a fine art student and graduated from the sixth cohort of the Academy
1953 - Attended a course in music interpretation at L'Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris, Paris under Alfred Cortot in June
1953 - Attended a course in music interpretation at Conservatoire de Musique de Lausanne, Switzerland under Alfred Cortot from 4 to 20 September
1953 - Attended classes in vocal training at the Scuola di Educazione Vocale di Manfredi Polverosi, Rome in October
1956 - Took piano lessons in modern piano technique under Alfred Cortot in Lausanne
1957 - Became a Singapore citizen
1959 - Took advanced piano lessons at the Accademia Musicale Chigiana under Alfred Cortot and Guido Agosti
1970 - Her mother passed away in Singapore
1978 - Organized a music concert to commemorate the centenary of Alfred Cortot's birth
1979 - The first musician in Singapore to receive the award " the Bintang Bakti Masharakat" [Public Service Star Award (Silver)] on National Day
1983 - "40 Years Honour Concert" led by former students to commemorate her 40 years of teaching
1996 - Sent to East Coast Convalescent Centre ( also known as ECM Medical Group) by her godson
2000 - Donated memorabilia of her life to the NAFA library, including private letters and official documents,certificates, photographs, paintings, sculptures and calligraphic works, scores, books, and a collection of old currency notes
2005 - Visited "Celebrity Room" at NAFA new campus, a special room designated to display her valuable collection
2007 - Passed away on 2 June at Changi General Hospital at the age of 98.

Positions Held
- Honorary Advisor for the Heralds Choral Society
- Honorary Principal for the Young Voices Choir
- Member of Singapore Music Association
- Member of Singapore Music Teachers' Association

Major Music Works
("Yearning Person") - Music composed and lyrics written by Lucien Wang
("Why Not Return") - Music composed and lyrics written by Lucien Wang on 25 Dec 1945
("To A Missing One") - Music composed and lyrics written by Lucien Wang, Lyrics translated by Tsai Tze Sinn
("Contentment") - Music composed and lyrics written by Lucien Wang on 18 Aug 1982
("My Little Song")- Lyrics (Poem) by Lucien Wang taken from the English poem "Flower in the mirror and Moon in the water" and Music composed by Hwang Yau-Tai
("Yellow Crane Building") - Music composed by Lucien Wang and lyrics written by Tang Dynasty poet Cui Hao
("Wind Bridge Night Drift") - Music composed by Lucien Wang on 24 Dec 1983 and lyrics written by Tang Dynasty poet Zhang Ji
(Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Academy anthem) - Music composed by Lucien Wang and Lyrics written by NAFA founding principal Lim Hak Tai
("Pain of Thoughts") - Music composed by Lucien Wang and lyrics written by Tan Tse Chor on 10 Mar 1982
("Stoneworkers Song") - Music composed by Lucien Wang and lyrics written by modern poet Xu Zhi Mo
("Wish") - Music composed by Lucien Wang and lyrics written by Tsai Tze Sinn
("We are the Vanguard") - Music composed by Lucien Wang and lyrics written by Zi Sheng
("Bold as the Lion") - Music composed by Lucien Wang and lyrics written by B.C. Heng
("'V'Victory") - Music composed and lyrics written by Lucien Wang, Chinese lyrics written by Tsai Tze Sinn
("Little Mouse") - Music composed by Lucien Wang and lyrics is Qin Dynasty Folk Song
("Great Courage Song") - Music composed by Lucien Wang and lyrics written by Gao Guan Tian
("Construction Song") - Music composed by Lucien Wang and Lyrics written by Tsai Tze Sinn


1909- 出生于中国广东省。
1914-1922 - 在广东省美国教会主办的寄宿学校中完成中小学教育。
1923-1925 - 考入岭南大学,修读艺术教育系,毕业后考入北京音专。
1926-1927 - 在北京一所中学边教书边追随俄籍音乐家Hovath学钢琴。
1930-1934 - 赴巴黎拜在Alfred Corrot门下学艺。
1935-1936 - 考入英国三一音专。
1936 - 二战爆发,回国执教于广东省立女子师范学校及广州音专。
1937 - 五月与在巴黎结识的电子工程师王祖辉结婚。
1939 - 为躲避日军侵略,避难南来新加坡。
1939-1941 - 在南洋女中教音乐。
1942 - 丈夫于日据时期中的大检证一去不反,坚强的她开始投身教琴生涯。
1945 - 成为新加坡教师工会会员。
1946 - 创作17首歌,并发表在 《新的歌》 中。
1947 - 把母亲接来新加坡同住。
1950s - 进入南洋美专选修西洋美术课程。并成为美专第六届毕业生。
1953 - 游学欧洲,回到Cortot 门下参加一些短期课程。
1956 - 继续追随老师 Alfred Cortot 选修现代钢琴。
1957 - 成为新加坡公民。
1970 - 母亲去世。
1978 - 举办纪念先师Alfred Cortot's诞辰音乐会。
1979 - 在国庆日获总统颁发“公共服务银星勋章”,是本地音乐届的第一人。
1983 - 她的学生为其主办“音乐教学40年 - 黄晚成声乐作品发表及学生钢琴演奏会”。
1996 - 晚年入住东海岸康复疗养院。
2000 - 把一生的收藏,包括手稿书信相片等,全部捐献给南艺图书馆。
2005 - 与弟子等一起参观南艺图书馆“名人捐献室”,重温往日的温情。
2007 - 六月二与世长辞,终年98岁。

- 怀人
- 胡不归 (1945年)
- 给一位失踪的人
- 知足常乐 (1982年)
- 我的小歌 - 作词黄晚成 (取自诗《镜花水月》, 作曲 黄友棣。
- 黄鹤楼 - 作曲黄晚成,词取自唐(崔颢)
- 枫桥夜泊 - 作曲黄晚成,词取自唐(张继)
- 南艺院歌 - 作曲黄晚成,作词 林学大
- 相思苦 - 作曲黄晚成,作词Tan Tse Chor (1982年)
- 庐山石工歌 - 作曲黄晚成,作词 徐志摩
- 祈望 - 作曲黄晚成,作词 Tsai Tze Sinn
- 我们来当先锋 - 作曲黄晚成,作词 子声
- Bold as the Lion - 作曲黄晚成,作词 B.C. Heng
- 'V'胜利 - 作曲黄晚成,作词 Tsai Tze Sinn
- 小老鼠 - 作曲黄晚成,词取自秦朝民歌
- 大勇歌 - 作曲黄晚成,作词 高冠天
- 建设歌 - 作曲黄晚成,作词 Tsai Tze Sinn