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Born in 1959, Mr Chen is a full-time Singaporean artist who has been a lecturer of Chinese brush painting at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (N.A.F.A.), Singapore, since 1988.

Fine Arts Education
1976 - 1981: Student of Mr Nai Swee Leng,the master Chinese brush painter.
1982 - 1985: Diploma course of fine arts at N.A.F.A., Singapore.
1985 - 1987: Studied at the China Academy of Fine Arts in Zhejiang, China; sponsored by the Lee Foundation and the Singapore Cultural Foundation.

1982 - "Blossom” won the Best Work Award at the Outram Park Arts Club National Day Art Competition.
1984 - “Road ” won the Best Oil Painting Award at the N.A.F.A. Speech Day Exhibition.
1985 - "Palm Tree and Minah" won the Ministry of Culture's Overseas Educational Tours Award.
1985 - "Morning Melody" won the Distinction Award in the UOB Painting of the Year Competition.
1988&1990 - Certificate of Commendation at the IBM Art Exhibition.
1984,1989,1991-1995 - Certificate of Commendation at the UOB Painting of the Year Competition, Oriental Art section.
1996 - "Root” won the Painting of the Year Award at the 15th United Overseas Bank (UOB) Painting of the Year Competition.

Solo & Joint Exhibition
1988&1997 - Joint exhibition with wife, Kong Yin Ling, in Singapore.
1990 - Joint exhibition with wife, Kong Yin Ling in Johore, Malaysia.
1995 - Joining three other artists in the Chinese Cultural Art Exhibition at the Hamburgisches Art Museum, Germany.
1997 - The 15th Painting of the Year Award Solo Exhibition, "Scent of the Land — Chen Shi Jin and his Art", at UOB Plaza, Singapore.
1999 - Solo Charity Exhibition for the Ren Ci Hospital, ‘‘Songs of the Village — Chen Shi Jin and his Art", Singapore.
2000 - Joint exhibition with wife, Kong Yin Ling, at the Cite des Arts, Paris, France.
2005 - Solo exhibition, “Chinese Ink in the Tropics - Chen Shi Jin and his Art", at the MICA building, Singapore.

1979-2004 - Participated in Singapore's National Day Art Exhibition.
1980-2004 - Participated in the Molan Society Art Exhibition.
1982-2004 - Participated in the Singapore Art Society Exhibition.
1982 - As an officer of the Singapore Art Society, helped organise a members tour of China, which included visits to various Chinese artist groups, and viewing live demonstrations by masters Chen Shifa and Huang Zhou. The tour firmed Mr Chen's decision to study art in China.
1984-1992 - Taught Chinese Brush and Finger Painting at various community centers (C.C.).
1984 - Invited to demonstrate Chinese Brush and Finger Painting at the 25th National Day Exhibition, organised by the Singapore Ministry of Culture.
1984 - Interviewed on a radio programme for a special feature on Finger Painting.
1989-2004 - Participated in the N.A.F.A. Faculty Exhibition, in Singapore and overseas.
1989 - Participated in the Outram Park Art Club Teachers Exhibition.
1990 - Work published in the Chinese art magazine, Painter (volume 12), in a special feature on overseas Chinese artists.
1992 - Interviewed for a special feature in “The Citizen", titled “The Art of Finger Painting".
1992 - Invited to take part in the Zhejiang Art Society Chinese Brush Painting Exhibition, in Hangzhou, China.
1993 - Invited to take part in the “Ink Paintings in Singapore" exhibition organised by the Singapore National Museum.
1979-1993 - Participated in the charity exhibitions organised by the Singapore Lion Club, the N.A.F.A. Foundation, Teck Ghee C.C., Thomson C.C., and Yong Peng Secondary School in Johore, Malaysia.
1997 - “Chen Shi Jin and His Art" wasselected to join the collection on Asian arts at the City Library of Paris, France.
1998 - Took part in N.A.F.A.'s 60th Anniversary Alumni Art Exhibition.
1999 - Invited to be one of the judges in a Chinese Ink Painting Evaluation Exam jointly organised by N.A.F.A. and the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts.
2000 - Spent part of the year in Paris, France, for cultural and artistic exchanges.
2003 - Invited to lecture at the Malaysian Chinese Ink Paintings Camp, on the skills of nature sketches used in Chinese Brush Painting.
2003 - Invited to join an art exhibition at Paragon building, Singapore, titled "Eleven Celebrated Artists - A Joint Show".

1994 - "Chen Shi Jin and His Art".
1997 - "Scent of the Land", a collection of sketches.
1999 - "Songs of the Village", a collection of flowers, birds, and landscape sketches.
2005 - “Colour of the Earth".
2005 - "Chinese Ink in the Tropics".


1959年生于新加坡, 全职画家。

1988 - 于南洋艺术学院任中国画兼职讲师。

1. 1976至1981 年随水墨画家赖瑞龙先生习画。
2. 1982至1985 年南洋艺术学院西洋画专业文凭班毕业。
3. 1985至1987 年赴中国浙江美术学院(现为中国美术学院) 研习国画。( 文化基金及李氏基金赞助部份费用)

1. 1996 年《根》获大华银行举办全国绘画比赛全场最佳画作奖。
2. 1985 年《棕润八哥》获文化部主办国庆美展东方绘画组亚细安考察奖。
3. 1985 年《晨曲》获大华银行举办全国绘画比赛东方艺术组优秀奖。
4. 1984 年《路》获南洋艺术学院油画组优秀奖。
5. 1982 年《紫薇》获欧南园美术会举办全国绘画比赛东方绘画组优秀奖。
6. 1984, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 , 1995 年作品获大华银行举办全国绘画比赛东方艺术组佳作奖。
7. 1988 及1990 年作品获IBM 美展佳作奖。

1. 1988, 1997 年与妻江燕玲于新加坡举办联合画展。
2. 1990年与妻江燕玲于马来西亚柔佛州举办二人联展。
3. 1992年于新加坡国家博物院画廊举办个人画展。
4. 1995年于德国汉堡美术博物馆举行中华文化艺术四人联展。
5. 1997年由大华银行主办第十五届全国最佳画作得奖者陈士仅之《风土》个人画展。
6. 1999年为仁慈医院筹款举办《乡曲》陈士仅水墨画义展。
7. 2000年于法国巴黎国际艺术城与妻江燕玲举办联合画展。
8. 2005年陈士仅《热带彩墨》画展于新加坡新闻与艺术部大厦。

1. 1979年起参与文化部主办历届国庆美展。
2. 1980年起参与历届墨澜社常年美展。
3. 1982年起参与历届艺术协会常年美展。
4. 1982年随新加坡艺术协会访问中国各地画院及艺术学院、为团副总务。随团与中国各省画家现场作画交流, 同时观赏程十发, 黄胄等大师现场挥毫。并决定在南洋艺术学院毕业后赴中国留学。
5. 1984年至1992 年任人民协会属下联络所水墨画及指墨导师。
6. 1984年受邀示范彩墨及指墨艺术于建国廿五周年美展。
7. 1984年应广播电台专访,谈指墨艺术。
8. 1989年起参与南洋艺术学院于新加坡及海外举办的教师美展。
9. 1989年参与欧南园美术学会教师美展。
10. 1990年作品刊登于中国期刊《画家》( 第12 期) 之海外华人艺术家作品专辑。
11. 1992年《民众报》专访— — “ 指尖上的艺术”。
12. 1992年受邀参加杭州中国浙江花鸟画研究会之年展•
13. 1993年受邀参加新加坡文化部主办的《墨涛》—— 看新加坡水墨画的发展。
14. 1979至1993年作品参加新加坡狮子会慈善义展, 南洋艺术学院基金义展、德义、汤申民众联络所建所基金义展及马来西亚永平中学活动基金义展。
15. 1997年法国巴黎城市文化部收录陈士仅作品集于城市图书馆, 亚洲文化资料室。
16. 1998年参加南洋艺术学院60周年纪念校友会美展。
17. 1999年任南洋艺术学院与中国美术学院联办水墨画分级考试评审委员。
18. 2000年于法国巴黎进行艺术交流。
19. 2003年受邀讲课于马来西亚全国水墨画营,讲题为“水墨画的写生技巧” 。
20. 2003年受邀参与十一名家联展于新加坡百利宫。

- 1994年《陈士仅画集》。
- 1997年《风土》写生集。
- 1999年《乡曲》花岛与风景写生集。
- 2005年《陈士仅写生画集》。
- 2005年《陈士仅热带彩墨画写生集》。