Tanoto Foundation Centre for Southeast Asian Arts at NAFA

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Shi Xiang Tuo (See Hiang Tuo) was born in Longxi Prefecture, southern Fujian Province, China, in September 1906 and arrived in Singapore in January 1938.

He passed away on 25 April 1990 at the age of 85.

1941 - Appointed to teach in Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore
1949-1983 - Judged art competitions, officiated the opening of art exhibitions, gave talks and lectures
1958 - Tutor, Calligraphy Society of Nanyang University, Singapore
1959 - Member of the editorial committee by South Seas Society to compile the book on "The Posthumous Works of Yan Jidau"
1970 - Advisor, Molan Art Association, Singapore
1971 - Advisor, Singapore Youth Association
1971 - Advisor, Siaw-tao Chinese Seal-carving Calligraphy & Painting Society, Singapore
1972 - Tutor, Chinese Art Society of Nanyang University, Singapore
1975 - Editorial advisor to the magazine, "Art of Singapore", by the Educational Publication Bureau, Singapore
1976 - President, Society of Chinese Artists, Singapore
1976 - Honorary Advisor, Amalgamated Association of Chinese Schools
1976 - Advisor to working committee of the All-school Chinese Calligraphy Competition organised by the Life Art Society, Singapore
1979 - Assistant leader of the "Art Mission To China", Society of Chinese Artists, Singapore
1980 - President, Society of Chinese Artists, Singapore (2nd term)
1984 - Honorary Executive Member, Korea Seal-Engraving Society

Solo Exhibitions
1970 - One-man show on "Chinese Painting, Calligraphy and Seal-engraving" at Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore
1983 - One-man show on "Chinese Painting, Calligraphy and Seal-engraving" at National Museum, Singapore
1983 - One-man show on "Chinese Painting, Calligraphy and Seal-engraving" in Japan
1990 - Art exhibition, "The Works Left Behind by our Master - Shi Xiangtuo and Shi's Contribution to the Art Scene of Malaysia" organised by Nanyang Siang Pao and the NAFA Alumni of Malaysia
1997 - Retrospective exhibition, "Shi Xiangtuo and His World of Art" organised by Singapore Art Museum

Group Exhibitions
1940 - Relief Fund Raising Art Exhibition in aid of China during the Japanese invasion
1969 - Art Exhibition during Nantah Week, Nanyang University, Singapore
1973 - 'Lanting' Art Exhibition in Hong Kong
1976 - Art Exhibition organised by Sin Chew Jit Poh, Singapore
1976 - Modern Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesia
1980 - Art Exhibition of Singapore Artists
1981 - 2nd International Calligraphy Exhibition, Singapore
1981 - National Day Art Exhibition
1981 - Singapore-Japan Calligraphy Painting Exhibition, National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore
1984 - Singapore-China Calligraphy Show, Singapore
1984 - Singapore-Korea Calligraphy Exhibition, Singapore
1985 - Singapore-Malaysia Art Exhibition
1986 - International Calligraphy Exhibition, Seoul
1991 - "Works by the First Generation Artists of Singapore" exhibition, Singapore
1992 - "Tri-Generation Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition", Singapore
1994 - "Window on Singapore Art" exhibition, Singapore & China
1996 - "Channels & Confluences: A History of Singapore Art" exhibition, Singapore Art Museum

Singapore Art Museum
Private collectors and organizations in Singapore and overseas

1981 - Collected works of Chinese calligraphy
1982 - Collected works on Chinese seal-engraving and painting
1989 - Shi Xiangtuo's Essays on Chinese Art
1997 - The Collection of Seal-engravings by Shi Xiangtuo
1997 - Shi Xiangtuo's World of Art

1979 - Awarded Public Service Star National Day Award by President Sheares



1941年 - 受聘于南洋美术专科学校,任教南洋美专长达39年
1949年-1983年 - 多次作艺术专题演讲与主持书画美术展开幕礼,并担任新、马两地主办的书画比赛评审员
1958年 - 新加坡南洋大学书法研究会指导
1959年 - 南洋学会严几道先生遗作编辑委员
1970年 - 墨澜社顾问
1971年 - 新加坡青年协会顾问, 啸涛篆刻书画研究会顾问
1972年 - 南洋大学中国书画研究会书画指导
1975年 - 新加坡教育出版社“新加坡美术”编辑顾问
1976年 - 新加坡中华美术研究会会长
1976年 - 新加坡华校联合会名誉顾问
1976年 - 更生美术研究会全国儿童美展工委会顾问
1979年 - 访华美术考察团副团长
1980年 - 连任中华美术研究会副会长,任期两年
1984年 - 韩国篆刻研究会名誉理事

1970年 - 个人篆刻书画展,于维多利亚纪念堂,新加坡
1983年 - 个人篆刻书画展,于国家博物馆,新加坡
1983年 - 个人书画展,于日本名古屋和横滨
1990年 - 施香沱老师追思纪念遗作展,于吉隆坡精武体育馆
1997年 - “先驱画家施香沱的艺术世界”展, 新加坡美术馆主办

1940年 - 新加坡筹帐祖国难民画展
1969年 - 南洋大学“南大周”书画展
1973年 - 香港庆祝第27度兰亭花甲书画展
1976年 - 星洲日报全国美展
1976年 - 椰加达中国现代画展,印尼
1980年 - 新加坡艺术家美展
1981年 - 国庆美展
1981年 - 第二届国际书法展
1981年 - 新日书画展
1984年 - 新中书法展,新韩书法展
1985年 - 新马书法交流展
1986年 - 新中,新穗书法展
1986年 - 第十回亚细安竞技大会纪念国际书法联合展,韩国主办
1988年 - 新马书法交流展
1991年 - 遗作展于新加坡第一代中国书画名家展,马林百列民众联络所主办
1992年 - 遗作展于三代师生书艺苑书法展,欧南园民众联络所美术学会主办
1994年 - 遗作展于“狮城艺萃”新加坡绘画展,新加坡艺术理事会主办
1996年 - 遗作展于新加坡美术百年展,新加坡美术馆主办


1970年 - 《香沱作品集》
1981年 - 《施香沱书法》
1982年 - 《施香沱篆刻图绘合辑》
1989年 - 《香沱丛稿》
1990年 - 《施香沱老师追思纪念作品展》
1997年 - 《香沱印存》
1997年 - 《先驱画家施香沱的艺术世界》

奖 章
1979年 - 新加坡总统薛尔斯授予公共服务星章